Salesforce CPQ: Creating Subscription Pricing

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Salesforce CPQ: Creating Subscription Pricing

Suppose you sell subscription-based products that should be priced depending on the length of the subscription term. Product A should be priced in monthly increments, while Product B is priced in yearly increments. Additionally, Product B should be priced based on how expensive is the hardware included in the quote.

Step 1. Update Product A and Product B product fields so they use a fixed price per month or year in pricing calculations.


  1. A. Click the Products tab from the navigation bar.
  2. B. Select Subscription Details from the Products List View.
  3. C. Edit ProductA fields in the following way:
    1. ►For the Subscription Pricing selectFixed Price
    2. ►For the Subscription Term enter1

Salesforce CPQ Pricing Options for Product A 

  1. D. Click Save.

Step 2. Update Product B fields so it uses a percent of the total value of hardware for yearly pricing calculations.

  1. A. On the Subscription Details list view of Products, click edit Product B fields:
    1.  ►For the Subscription Pricing selectFixed Price
    2.  ►For the Subscription Term enter1
    3.  ►For the Subscription Pricing selectFixed Price
    4.  ►For the Subscription Term enter1

Salesforce CPQ Pricing Options for Product B 

  1. B. Click Save.

Step 3. Update the necessary hardware Products product fields so they contribute to warranty pricing calculations.

  1. A. On the Subscription Details list view of Products, update Percent of Total Category Hardware for the necessary products.
  2. B. Click Save.

Step 4. Verify the products are priced as expected by adding them to a quote for the X Company.

  1. A. Go to the necessary quote.
  2. B. Click Edit Lines.
  3. C. Click Add Products.
  4. D. Check the necessary products, then click Select.
  5. E. Change the quantity of the products.
  6. F. Click Calculate and note the changes.
  7. G. You can also update the Subscription Term to any desired length and note the changes.

This is how you can set up subscription pricing and scale a product's price relative to another group of products.

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